Support Systems

Susan and Sandra, Sandra and Susan or as my older sister Chapelle calls us "them two sisters there" we have always been together. If one is missing in action they swear we each know where the other one is. She has been my rock if it were not for my sister Sandra insisting that I go to the hospital. I would have died on April 16, 2009. I can not stress to her my gratitude in pushing the issue. She says she did it for selfish reasons, she wanted me to be here. I love her for that. My heart gets so full up when I think about my sister, and my best friend. We have gone through our share of ups and downs. But we long ago learned to respect each other as women and individuals. It took for my mother to make me realize when certain people tried to pit us against each other or break that foundation we have. I could not imagine going a day without talking to my sister Sandra. She sees me and accepts me for who I am. No matter what. If you have broken relationships that need repair fix them before it's too late. Love people in your life and tell them often.


Sandra said…
Susan, you mean the world to me and I don't know what I would do if I was to lose you. You are my best friend and you understand me more than most people (including people in our family). You listen to me babble on even when you don't want to and you give it to me "straight, no chaser" and I appreciate that from you. I agree with you that we've been A LOT together, but I wouldn't have it any other way. LOVE U GIRL!!
Susan said…
Sisters by fate, friends for life.

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