Speaking Things Into Existence

I used to hear my former pastor talk about speaking things into existence in your life. To be careful what you pray for, because you just might get it. Be specific with what you're asking GOD to do in your life. Be mindful of the prayers you pray. When they are answered, they may not come the way you think they should. Surround yourself with positive people. Understand and realize that some people who have done you wrong, let GOD deal with them in HIS time, not your time table. From the man who hurt you so bad to the woman who broke your heart, you have to forgive people. Even when they go about their lives  like you never meant anything to them, or you may have dogged somebody out yourself. FORGIVENESS GOES A LONG WAY EVEN WHEN THEY WON'T SAY I'M SORRY OR ADMIT THEY WERE WRONG. People walk around with these kinds of facades to protect their feelings, and even when you finally discovered that they themselves low self esteem, but get off on making you feel bad. you . I have been there and lived it. Those toxic relationships you have where people they smile in your face on your job and secretly badmouth you to the boss by stealing your ideas and presenting them as their own and then when they don't know how to implement them, they get mad with you. Or, that guy who claims to say he has your back when you tell him you are in school and then he gets upset and tell you that school is taking away too much time from him. The family members who say they are glad you got your own place, but in the same breath say they are jealous that you got yours before they could. Friends that put you on a pedestal and then complain to other people about the crook in their necks for having to look up to you and siblings who constantly compete with you and are super mad they messed up their lives and then literally try and take what you have and will literally fight you for it. I say to all this keep the very bare minimum of friends in your circle, and those who claim to be close to you could be the very ones trying to bring you down. I know there are some mothers right now so jealous of their own daughters for the love that there father has for them and not her. She would rather punish them for his past indiscretions than to face him and tell him how he hurt her so bad she can't even love her children right. Speak positive prayer over your life as much as you can GOD really is listening.


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