Failure to Communicate

Last night we almost lost each other all based on a failure to communicate with one another. He is the other half of my beating heart, and yet; I felt farther away from him than I have ever felt. He was hurting, I was hurting and those loving feelings were beginning to wane from one another. I wanted those longing looks we would give each other, you know, that knowing, the desire, the unspoken language of love and mutual respect that we had for one another. He is my best friend and I wanted desperately to be his again, but when one has shut down emotionally, the other is faced with the dilemma should I stay or should I go and the fact that my blind eye was making him feel unwanted when all I ever wanted was him and our life together, but I had to almost lose him for me to see just how important he is to me and for that I will never take my husband for granted. I will be very vocal about the way I love him, not only through my words, but my actions, I will always communicate and defer to him when I need guidance and clarity.


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