Just Ask Me

Today, I wanted to touch on the some of the social stigmas related to disabilities. If I were an amputee and you saw me in the rolling cart at Wal-mart, you would not hesitate for a minute to wonder why, and you would carry on about your day. I feel like I'm part of the Omyatica Clan from Avatar: I can not teach you to see. My illness is not shown like that, but what you see is this obese woman who is to lazy to walk through the store, and you could not be more wrong. If you see me in the Bradenton Wal-marts and you have seen my blog then you would KNOW why I'm in the rolling cart. I was seriously going to make a T-shirt that spelled out exactly what was wrong. I don't need the comments and the stares from people, JUST ASK ME WHAT'S WRONG, don't assume to know anything about me UNTIL YOU ASK ME. To avoid all the nonsense, I usually do my grocery shopping at 2 or 3 in the morning so I can be alone and get my shopping done and get home. If you really want to get to know a person take the time and just ask me. I want to thank all the well wishers who have been reading the blog it gives me hope that I am helping another person. Please check back soon. I will posting more videos and please friend request me on Facebook Susan SookieStackhouse Washington or join our group heartfailureandme@groups.facebook.com and post comments there you can also join this blog site as well. While you are here check out some of the information from the ads on the blog for more information. You all continue to pray and keep good thoughts about each other.


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