A Me Day

I woke up around 8:30 this morning after a fitful night of trying to sleep, so I decided to take a ME day. I heard the phone ringing all day and chose to lay in my bed alone with my thoughts. The ones that I share with no one but ME. I found out some things a few days ago and the woman scorned in me wanted to retaliate, but my long passed away father Sammie Lee in me would not let me inflict the pain upon the person who continues to this day to punish me for past relationship crimes and we have long since not been involved. How to you both love and hate someone at the same time? Is this possible. I had to weep and I get this out of me, it's a like a cancer that is consuming me. They need to be confronted for the things they have done and I need to let it go, so that's why I took a ME day to be alone with just ME and my thoughts.


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