
Showing posts from July, 2011

How I Handle My Depression

People in most families it often gets overlooked or swept under the rug as being the special aunt or uncle. But Depression and Bipolar disorder Manic/Depressive rages are a real issues and need to be addressed. Families need to talk about it you need to talk about it. There are many support groups that deal with depression many in your local area. Just talk to someone. It looks differently through fresh eyes. Be Blessed and be a blessing

One of Those Days

I've been sort of melancholy today. The more I read about my illness the more I get upset that I feel powerless to help myself. It feels like an constant uphill battle and this is one of those discouraging days, I know this is my "test" in life to see if I will sink or swim. I know I have to fight to live, but today, I feel like my battle is getting the best of me. The devil is now attacking me in my finances and I am doing all I can to stay afloat. I looked into trying to go back to work, at least part time. The social security office has this Ticket to Work program that will help people like me try and obtain employment training, cause lets face it my whole working career has been mostly nursing and security and those two jobs require that you be alert for them, you have someone's life in your hands; literally. I need to go back to work to survive. I am barely hanging on, this is the time I need to pray harder and let the LORD carry me because today I am too weak to...

What Women Need to Look For With Heart Disease/Heart Attacks

I have given you enough of  my back story for right now. I want women to really listen to the video of the things that we should be mindful of with heart disease and heart attack symptoms it could save your life. I am a living testament to GOD's mercy and grace. He spared my life so I would able to try and help save another women's life. listen to the video and please leave comments. You can email me check me out on facebook Susan SookieStackhouse Washington or on youtube : faceofheartfailure. If you just want to talk about your fears with heart disease call me 941-567-4470

Depression and Heart Failure

I met a wonderful new friend today. His name is Tony Jones, he too suffers from Congestive Heart Failure. He was fortunate enough to find a donor heart. The gift of life is a very precious thing. I want to talk about depression in people with heart failure. It is a very real thing to have to completely alter your life now that you have this illness. I want people to know especially my African American sisters out there that you are not alone. I am here if you want to talk. you can call me direct 941-567-4470 or hit me up in my email Any time of day. It is so important that you realize that tomorrow looks better than the day before and the past is the past. Each day we are given is a gift and if you are feeling so overwhelmed and feel alone please call me I would love to hear from you.

The Day is Starting Already

Woke up this morning about 3:02am worried as usual about bills and paying for medicines and just keeping my head afloat. One of the hardest adjustments to having heart failure is being able to support yourself. I am a nursing assistant(non practicing) by trade. That was one of the proudest moments in my life when I completed the program and had graduation. I was going to be one kick-ass nurse. Then, the bottom fell out. I suffered a back injury from having a patient fall on me and we went over in a wheel chair. I wet out on Workman's Comp for over a year. My back has never been the same since. This blog is very therapeutic for allowing me to share my thoughts about how my illness has impacted my life. I had taking to nursing like a duck takes to water. I thought I would always have that. Funny how the plans you make for your life GOD just laughs because that may not be the path that HE has chosen for you. That was my first professional knock down. It was time for round two, so...

Getting The Word Out About Heart Disease


The End of a Journey

Just got an email from my attorney today, and we finally have a court date to end my farce of a marriage. One thing it has taught me is to not let my fear of dying be my sole motivation for making bad decision that have the potential to impact my life. Ladies and gentlemen please do your research, I can not stress this enough. There really is no such thing as love at first sight, there is however an undeniable chemistry between two people that can often be mistaken for love. Just meeting someone for the first time you do not know them well enough to make such a profound decision like marriage. People may say that I'm could just be a woman scorned, but I walked right into a burning building when what I should have done was get a fire hose and put out that fire then walk away.

The Rebound Guy

There's an old song from back in the day that says "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you with". I holes in that theory is you should never marry the rebound guy. Simply put the heart wants what it wants and the more you try and force it to do otherwise, nothing ever good comes from it. I married a man who I really didn't know much about after telling him everything there was to know about me. That was mistake 1,2 and 3. He was very secretive about his past and hid behind the "word of God" as a way to justify his rational for doing the things he did.  He walked out of the marriage and it has been a nightmare ever since to end this marriage. Women take your time and really get to know the person before making the lifelong commitment of marriage. If you are not in love with them, please do yourself a favor and just date them for as long as you. Because of those experience and how he has turned on me I will never venture into marriage...

After The Rain

I was diagnosed in April of 2009 with Congestive Heart Failure. I was 39 years old. I don't know who cried more, my sister Sandra or me. To be honest. I half expected the doctor to come back with a whole host of things, but never heart failure. My mother has congestive heart failure and she is 70 years old and in frail health. I am severely  overweight at that time I was admitted I weighed in at 407 pounds. That was the biggest I have ever been in my life. The doctor said that my kidneys were shutting down and my heart was only functioning at ten percent. He also said that when they see people who's heart is functioning at ten percent they are dying. I was preparing myself to say goodbye. I called my God-daughter Toni to say goodbye to her and to make her promise not to tell her father, which she did anyway. I asked my sister not to tell anyone with either. I just wanted to go peacefully. It took them 12 hours to get me admitted and they put me up on the cardiac floor. I coul...