The Rebound Guy

There's an old song from back in the day that says "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you with".
I holes in that theory is you should never marry the rebound guy. Simply put the heart wants what it wants and the more you try and force it to do otherwise, nothing ever good comes from it. I married a man who I really didn't know much about after telling him everything there was to know about me. That was mistake 1,2 and 3.
He was very secretive about his past and hid behind the "word of God" as a way to justify his rational for doing the things he did.
 He walked out of the marriage and it has been a nightmare ever since to end this marriage. Women take your time and really get to know the person before making the lifelong commitment of marriage.
If you are not in love with them, please do yourself a favor and just date them for as long as you.
Because of those experience and how he has turned on me I will never venture into marriage again. I like my solitude. I get lonely, I'm human, but I will not allow another man to enter my circle or be around my family. My trust in in a man has been irretrievably broken. I won't say I won't date again, but I will make the investment in a complete background check and criminal check as well.


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