How I Handle My Depression

People in most families it often gets overlooked or swept under the rug as being the special aunt or uncle. But Depression and Bipolar disorder Manic/Depressive rages are a real issues and need to be addressed. Families need to talk about it you need to talk about it. There are many support groups that deal with depression many in your local area. Just talk to someone. It looks differently through fresh eyes. Be Blessed and be a blessing


Anonymous said…
I can sense from your words the pain you have from BiPolar depression. I too, found out I have BiPolar depression, ADHD, a grip of physical aches and pains-I'm almost 60-and now Congestive Heart Failure. This one I'm just finding out about.
All my life I thought I was un-loved. Faimly was around, but I never felt comfortable with them, or with anyone. I like, to this day, being alone.
I had few, real friends, and just a load of other stuff. I'm sure you already know the symptoms.
Three daughters have different levels of BiPolar, one is high on the ladder. Also, a grand-daughter. No one but me has gone for help as none believe nor will admit it. They think it means their crazy when it doesn't.
In fact, BiPolar people are exstreamly smart. When you're interested in something, you're above an A student. If not, an F means nothing, who cares.
If we didn't get bored so fast they could measure our intelligence. They can't because unless we have interest in it, we don't bother with it.
Just keep this in mind! There's nothing you cannot do. I mean it. Did you know Einstein was BiPolar? Hundreds of artists and stars are too. We're in a special club. We shine, and we're brilliant.
I'm going to read more because you made me feel good. Your heart is very much in the words you write. Thank you for helping me. Hope to see you soon, Kandie
Susan said…
Thank you Miss Kandi for the encouragement from your posting. I really didn't know if the blog was making an impact on anyone's life and I was not sure if I should continue with it. You have help me get thorough one of those rough days that I speak about. I will continue with the blog as long as it remains helpful to you and other people. Oh, BTW I am on complete disability. It just never seems like enough and I worry all the time about bills getting away from me, but I have always been very frugal so I know how to make 5.00 last for 30 days lol. Please encourage your daughters to see medical advice and if they still aren't sure go see a cardiologist instead of a general practicitioner and preferably a women, she will more than likely know it's not all in our head and treat the whole person. Again. if you ever want to talk in person or video chat you can also find me on skype or yahoo messenger (mistybluze) or call me my number is listed on the blogs. Please check out some the ads that offer information as well. Until the next post you all be blessed.

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