Depression and Heart Failure

I met a wonderful new friend today. His name is Tony Jones, he too suffers from Congestive Heart Failure. He was fortunate enough to find a donor heart. The gift of life is a very precious thing. I want to talk about depression in people with heart failure. It is a very real thing to have to completely alter your life now that you have this illness. I want people to know especially my African American sisters out there that you are not alone. I am here if you want to talk. you can call me direct 941-567-4470 or hit me up in my email Any time of day. It is so important that you realize that tomorrow looks better than the day before and the past is the past. Each day we are given is a gift and if you are feeling so overwhelmed and feel alone please call me I would love to hear from you.


Anonymous said…
Dear Susan: You can get on Social Security Disability. They always deny us the first time but I also heard now there are lawyers who can get you SSI without having to wait for the first denial. Please look into it.
Susan said…
Hey Kandie,

When I first got out of the hospital I was given SSI first and in November of 2009 is when my Social Security started. But it's not enough to cover everything and I have to be extremely frugal with the money I do get. HUD has a waiting list of 3 years because I don't have any children. I can apply for it but most programs are closed for just single persons unless I go into an elderly-based housing like where I live now.

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