Precious Love

Women are just like a hand to hold and if you really get down to the heart of the matter a woman only truly needs 5 things to be happy 1. Love 2. Trust 3. Commitment 4.Take Care of Home 5. Passion if any one of those things are off she does not have her center. If you disagree hold out your hand, and then fold your thumb in and try to do as many things as you can without using it. I bet you will see how important your thumb is to you. It's your anchor just like love is to you. You have to have trust in a relationship, if you spend so much time worrying if and when he will cheat on you or lie to you, you are not spending the time trying to make the relationship grow and flourish. Women need commitment to feel safe and secure in a relationship. Having your man take care of o home to ease the financial burdens off of a women goes without saying. I would love to hear where a man actually brought his woman a cell phone on his account and she moved in with him and she was driving his ride. I know they are out there but I HAVE YET to see it. You should have passion for the one you lay next to. If GOD brings the next man in my life I want to have genuine passion for him. I don't want to share him with five other women and the only reason he came is because one of the other ones made him mad. I want to be glad to see him and I want him to light up when he sees me. Not be afraid to be out in the open with me. Be respectful of our relationship. These are the things I pray for. A precious all consuming love

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