The 5 Stages of Grief

Death and Dying of The Relationship

The 5 Stages of Grief apply to relationships as well. It is a loss and sometimes it is a loss of EPIC proportions. Especially when you deal with a man like Tony who for whatever reason he has doesn't a woman the closure that she needs. He just picks up and starts something new and he didn't have the decency to be a man and end things  properly. As I have stated before he is a consummate liar and as such he doesn't want to be seen as the bad guy, but ripping through each of us the way he does is tragic. He lies and conducts he life with no remorse for the things he does. I use my words as catharsis to deal with those emotions so I do not act out in a way to bring harm to myself or another person. I am sure he thought I would just be quiet about all his misdeeds, but I couldn't in good conscious let him do it to another woman, and she be blind to the fact that he is a user. I could blame Vivian for turning him loose on the rest of us. She created that misanthrope but his hatred for women goes a lot deeper. To his kids he is wonderful, but to the women in Tony's life the damage he causes is legendary, but he will keep doing as he pleases as long as woman continue to cater to his bad behavior. What stage am I in? I am between 1 and 3 right now. I severed all ties with anything and anyone connected to him. I no longer trust those that are close to him anymore because I have been betrayed not once but twice and that has been enough to last me a lifetime of hurt. He just doesn't understand that the same way Lori, Vivian, Gloria, Kim, Barbara-Jean, Belinda, Janine, and myself have cried one thing that each one of us have done is survived HURRICANE TONY. If you take nothing else from this remember a storm doesn't last always. 4 and 5 will surely come, but as long as I have the truth I know that I will be ok.

1. Denial and Isolation
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance


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