

My beloved younger sister was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. We as a family are devastated. She is literally in for the fight of her life.  This is where she will have to tap into her reserved strength to get through this battle. I pray for healing and a renewed sense of purpose for my sister. I am going to be there for her every step of the way.

New Beginning

My husband and my sister and I are moving into our new apartment in a few weeks. It's been a long two years since I was put on the waiting list. We got prequalified to get the place and we did it with all three of us. So there is is no need to hide or worry about nosey neighbors reporting us to having too many people in a 1 bedroom. I am just grateful to God that we can be out in the open now and get back to being a family unit. I am also praying for a positive outcome for my sister Sandra who may have to have a hysterectomy in the near future. I am going to delay my shoulder surgery because we can't both be out of commission at the same time and I just don't trust my husband to pick up the slack without me telling him too. It would also mean giving him access to my account and I am not doing that. What I want us to do is to get a household checking account where we only use it to pay our rent lights and water from it only. I will talk to them about that. I have enough peop...

Blessings Abound

We got the approval for the new apartment. Now the real work begins.

7 Habits

Took the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Learned so much that I want to start implementing in my life. For starters, I need to clean up my space and clear out the clutter out of my life. I also need to reclaim a space just for me and no one else. Now getting my husband to understand that it's what I need so I don't feel so closed in and closed off because nothing is my own anymore. I know when you get married you have to share your space, I just wish we had more space to work with then everyone can spread out and not be on top of each other.

Not So Sure

Not really sure how this new job is going. There's no permanent staff to train me on the 3rd shift. I am the only one. The other people here work via the agency so in order for me to actually train I have to just wait for the other young lady to come back and show me what to do. They make last rounds at 5-5:30 so maybe I will done some gloves and go with them as they work because me just sitting here with nothing to do is not the look.

New Possibilities

Started a new job under the ticket to work program at Brookdale Deer Creek in Sarasota. I was a little taken aback about the way they really weren't ready to train me and the young lady had no idea I was even coming. I was supposed to be watching training videos, however they're nowhere to be found on the laptop. I don't have access to email or really anything else. This isn't what I signed up for. Not sure yet if I'm going to like it here. It's pretty laid back, but all I have done is seen where the office is. I got handed a key to the building and pretty much left to my own devices, which isn't saying much. The job I am really looking forward to is the one working at Suncoast Career Source. Hopefully the gentleman that signs off on things will be back from vacation soon. Anyhoo, on to new possibilities.

Putting Things In Perspective

I woke up this morning with a different perspective about my marriage. I ended my friendship with the gentlemen from my weight loss group. It just wasn't conducive to my long-term goals for my marriage. I took these vows and I have to be present and show up for my marriage like I need him to. Marriage is all about compromise and I need him to hear me when I voice my concerns to him about why I don't want to put another car in my name and why it's vitally important for him to get his license so he can be able to stand up and be a man in my eyes. I need him to tell me the truth about Orlando and why he was going over there every week. I just need him to be honest with me about why...stay tuned.