New Possibilities

Started a new job under the ticket to work program at Brookdale Deer Creek in Sarasota. I was a little taken aback about the way they really weren't ready to train me and the young lady had no idea I was even coming. I was supposed to be watching training videos, however they're nowhere to be found on the laptop. I don't have access to email or really anything else.
This isn't what I signed up for. Not sure yet if I'm going to like it here. It's pretty laid back, but all I have done is seen where the office is. I got handed a key to the building and pretty much left to my own devices, which isn't saying much. The job I am really looking forward to is the one working at Suncoast Career Source. Hopefully the gentleman that signs off on things will be back from vacation soon. Anyhoo, on to new possibilities.


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