Stunned Silence

I had to spend yet another week in the hospital. I had both a really bad sinus infection and pneumonia. It was while at Blake Medical Center I was also diagnosed with Afib or Atrial Fibrillation which make my risk of stroke greater.

I had no reason to suspect that all those years of heart "flutters" was my heart not being in normal sinus rhythm. They put me back on the cardiac floor to observe me. The nurse I had was very frank with me about staying calm and if I didn't they would have to shock me with those paddles and they would have two nurses standing by if they couldn't get me back.

Now, I have to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life. My head is spinning and this is very serious, but God will not put more on me than I can handle, right now I will just have to settle for stunned silence.


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