Staying The Course

This journey has been five years in the making. The Disability Law Judge ruled in my favor to have my disability reinstated and as far as he was concerned they never should have taken it away. I still have an uphill battle to climb, I and certain that no matter what God is helping me. Even when I was feeling hopeless, and lost and then on this wave of emotions. I found a wonderful doctor who was sent to me by the Father in the Name of Jesus to help wean me off the anti-depressants. Honestly, who would not be sad all the time when all you were feeling like is an ICD-9 code and not a real person? You have to stay the course. No matter how challenging or painful-even when you feel like you didn't deserve to be here. I know God has a purpose for my life and I want to make sure I do something with this life he gave to me.


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