As Well As I Can

This has been the first writings in about 7 months. I am still attempting to get my bearings about the direction of where my life is going. I was devastated to have to leave school and not be able to use my diplomas or my degrees.
I had gone through all of the hard work to complete all of my requirements, only to be shut out of what is rightfully mine. It simply all boiled down to money. The way the school is set up you are supposed to graduate debt-free, however not may people can pay off their tuition like that in one sitting otherwise, they would be at a major university.
I don't even go to my school's website since I had to withdraw from school, it is simply too painful to see others get ready for graduation. I have already had that privilege, but I just want to be able to use my degree and my diplomas and sit for my exams.
I know that my FATHER will make this situation right for me one way or the other.


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