Sometimes You Just Have to Find that Motivation

Dr. Mya Angelou once said that if you don't like something, then change it, and if you can't change it, change your attitude about it. There is always an internal struggle within me. I have never been the type to see things as the glass is half empty, I have always looked at things as more of a challenge and get it done.
Since I have been that type of person who needs to be hyper-focused on whatever task I was on due to not having a long attention span for things that did not captivate me, distractions where very upsetting to me, even though I am a highly adaptable person, but then other side of my personality takes on the stance of "what now?!"
I never wanted to be a fat girl, but a fat girl is what I am. Then that fat girl became an OBESE woman. This was hard for me to take.Dealing with my chronic illnesses makes staying motivated to exercise that much more of a challenge, as some days it's all I can do just to get out of bed.
One thing is for certain, I have to find the way because anything less would just be an excuse.


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