Lost That Feeling

Writing about the things that have happened in my life were very important to me. Trying for years to make sense out of things and process the pain that I was going  through. I have been in therapy for years, trying to undo some of that damage, but what I found out about myself is the more I healed, the less I wrote and then, that too became troubling to me.

Writing was the way I coped except for being an emotional eater, and that was not good for my health. I struggle still each day with. I have to find a better outlet for my binge eating and the things that stress me to the point that I over eat. I have diabetic neuropathy which causes this pins and needle sensation all through my feet and hands and  makes walking hard and the bad back as well. Exercise is supposed to help with it, but when you are so unsure of what your body will respond to is frightening.

This is the only body I have and I have to work really hard to make sure it's running right. I am making sure that I start my exercise plan tomorrow. I don't need any more delays.


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