All Things Considered

I have had to fight my way back from a lot of adversity. There are times when I really wanted to give up and say, okay Lord, just relieve my body of this affliction and lets just be done with this life. I am so glad that my Father God knew better than to call me home prematurely. There is still a work to be done and I lost sight of things getting caught up in my own life and the things that I felt I had no control over. I walked away yet again from a man that I thought I would love forever, but the way this thing is winding down there is really no such thing as forever with anyone.
You have to love people while they are in your life for however long they may be in your life. I have said it before, that no one is going to make it out of this life alive. You cannot force people to stay in your life, and then there are the ones who will bleed your life until there is nothing left to be given, Takers are the hardest ones to decipher, because they don't necessarily reveal who they are in the beginning. It takes a lot of work of work to hide who you are, but even harder when you spend so much time trying to live in that dishonesty while hurting someone else.
It would hurt far less to tell a person the truth than to let them find out you never intended to stay. Most people won't have the guts to tell the truth because in the revealing process you may not like the consequences of a person realizing they were just "pit stop" while you were waiting for what you really wanted.
Then, you have those people who deep down don't feel like they deserve to be loved because of past bad acts. You may have done a bad thing, but that does not mean you are a bad person. Everyone is capable of being loved, but when you think that you have nothing to offer a person, you will think that you deserve the table scraps of another person.
I have been that person who thought that I didn't deserve to be loved because the one person I needed to know loved me was lost on me, but all things considered there is one thing constant and that is change. You have to change the thinking in order to change the outcome.


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