GOD's Secret Things

Sometimes bearing your soul to the one person you are the most vulnerable to can be a release of their hold on you, or you start to finally see them in a whole new light. I see them for who they are and in doing so I realized they will never see me, the true me, the one that love unconditionally, but can't get that same love in return. I said that my illness was both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because GOD spared my life and I no longer get upset and internalize why I could never measure up to his ideal woman, The long flowing natural hair, big girl, with no stomach and tall. I tried, I really tried to be that woman. I was growing out my hair until the illness happened and the medication started making it fall out. I tried working out until, the illness and the doctors said I couldn't anymore at least not the kind I was doing and was giving me the emotional support I needed. I love him and I always will, but I no longer have the desire to be with him romanticall...