Think Befero, I, Do

Til Death, Us Do Part.....In Sickness and Health.....For Richer, For Poorer.....Forsaking All Others......Those are the most powerful statements you can utter to another person. To stand up and make a declaration to another person that you( vow), a sacred promise to them that you will love and care for them when the going gets rough, when your struggles together threaten the very foundation you two have built together, for any person to thrive in this world each of us needs to feel safe and secure in our surroundings. Oftentimes we fall short of the expectations we have about our significant other. This person is sharing your air and your space and time with the person you have vowed to love for life.....that's deep and both depressing as well as profound in the sense that you come in this world by your self, but we as humans need that interaction we thrive the most when we feel love and comfort, some of us have become so desensitized that we withhold our love and affections from those we are closest to out of a sense of entitlement for love, we are not promised love, we only hope that the ones we love and imprint on us will love us back, we jock for positions in the life of the one that we spend so much time with, when in reality, it's all borrowed time, we use trickery, bribery, and blatant coercion to get our way instead of a direct and honest approach, but in our honest dishonesty is to spare the other hurt, but inflicting more hurt with the "I'm Sorry" when the longer you use it the less weight it carries, like saying "I Love You" loses it's meaning when it's not followed by a meaningful action. I, at times am so in love with him I actually get ill when he is away to long, but I think that's because I am in tune with him the way he is in tune with me, and that was all before the I DO.


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